This app looks really cool! I was super excited to download it... Until I did download it and started using it. Ill be honest. Its actually insulting how terrible this app is.
This is the extent of what it has done on my phone (oh btw, this is my 2nd time downloading it, thinking this time maybe some of anything would be fixed):
1) take info from Apple Health and present it
2) purport to track my phone usage and then fail spectacularly at doing so
The end.
Despite a couple other apps all being within a few minutes of one another in terms of the amount of time my phone is open and the number of unlocks Ive done, this app has never showed me to have used my phone for more than 4 minutes nor unlocked it more than 2 times. This is true for each day of the past week.
You should download this app if you enjoy cruel parodies exposing things that humiliate themselves by attempting to do something they literally arent made to do. There isnt any Rudy or Forrest Gump-esque happy ending here, folks. This app is just that terrible.
EmailAppDownloader about Instant - Lifelog Screen Time, v3.4